Our Academy


Class Details

Children in Attendance / Day : 8
2 ECE Staff per day
Hours of Operation: 8am - 5pm, Monday to Friday
Closed on Statutory Holidays
Ages in Program: 30 months - 5 years
Cost: $1950 / month

Snacks, Lunch and Drinks Included

Currently Accepting Full Time Children

Contact Us for Details

Daily Routine

8:00am – Free Play Time
This time is flexible and goes throughout the morning. We believe creativity allows children to express themselves by art, music, movement, imaginative play, storytelling, construction and model making.

9:00am – Structured Time/ Free Play
During this time children learn about classifying, ordering and determining direction. For example we have art projects, classifying objects, science experiments, math experiences and learning to cut.

9:45am – Clean up Time
Children clean up the toys.

10:00am – Snack Time
Children wash hands and eat their snack.

10:30am – Circle Time/ Music Class
During this time we look at appropriate literature. Language Development allows children to build speaking and listening skills and understanding written words. Some examples of the tools needed during this time are: books, puppets, story baskets, felt board stories, music, dance, and musical instruments.

11:00am – Outdoor Time
Children get ready for outdoor play, children will dress themselves and put on their own shoes. During outdoor time the children build on small and large muscle development, self-help skills, good health and safety habits. For example: children use the washroom before going outside, dress them self’s into outdoor clothing, run, jump and kick balls.

12:00pm – Lunch Time
Children wash hands and put away outdoor clothing. Children eat lunch.

12:45pm – Transition Time
Time to use the washroom. Children get ready for the nap room.

1:00 pm – Nap/Rest Time
Children engage in quiet time or nap.

3:00pm – Structured Time/Free Play
Children get time to interact with others in the classroom in a variety of ways. For example: games, toys, dramatic play, blocks, sensory table, art centre and quiet book time, legos, trains etc.

3:30pm – Snack Time
Child washes hands, uses the washroom and eats a snack.

4:00pm – Outside Time
Free play outdoors.

5:00pm – Closed
Children get picked up and go home